
A beginner's guide to text processing for deep learning using TensorFlow

Text Processing for Deep Learning

Text preprocessing -- particularly understanding how to create representations from textual datasets -- is one of the first steps to building a deep-learning model, which is capable of learning from large datasets of textual content, for natural-language tasks like classification, prediction, intent identification along with text generation.

Text Vectorization

Text Vectorization is the process of encoding textual content, strings and words from a dataset, into sequences of numeric values -- integers, floating points numbers -- for feeding into Neural Networks in order to process text. While there are severals ways of creating text vectors, let's start with a simple one. One of the easiest ways to vectorize text for a large dataset is to first create a dictionary of all the words in the dataset -- i.e., create a vocabularly, associate each word to an index, and convert each word in the data set to the corresponding index in the dictionary.

For example, "This is a simple line" would be vectorized as [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] in the dictionary, mapping each word as:
[ This -> 1] [ is -> 2] [ a -> 3] [ simple -> 4] [ line -> 5]

We'll use a simple tokenizer for this. Let's tokenize a few lines of text by first identifying and building a dictionary, building the vocabulary based on the provided textual dataset.


Once all the words in the dataset have been identified, for a seed text, let's vectorize it. We do this by converting each word in the sample text into the corresponding index in the dictonary.

Text Embeddings

The next step to building a textual model is to build an Embeddings Layer. Embeddings helps create vectorized represenations of sequences of words to build a deeper understanding of the phrase or the sequence of words, helping the model understand similarity between words and phrases and also help classify similar words based on context.
Let's create a sample text and see how an Embeddings layer interprets it across a few dimensions.


Putting it all together

const textLines = [ 'This is a simple text file', 
		    'with contents split into',
		    'several lines'];


// for a sample line of text, vectorize it
const seed = [ 'This',  'is',  'a',  'file'];

// textsToSequnces converts the sample line of text into a vector by looking up each 
// word and replacing it with the corresponding index from the dictionary 
const seedSeq = tokenizer.textsToSequences(seed);

const xs = tf.tensor([seedSeq], [1, 4]);
const phraseEmbeddings = tf.layers.embedding({
			          name:  'phrasesEmbeddings',
			          inputDim: 12,
			          outputDim: 10,
			          inputLength: 4
