
How would machine-learning based auto content generators affect the quality of creative content

TextGen was given this prompt:

One of the things I've been thinking about is the effects of automating content creation. Would this have detrimental effects, particularly longer-term ones, on the quality of content on the internet? How would this affect ranking? Would ML-based content be ranked higher and consequently be more "visible" on search engines and in turn adversely affect the quality of the content consumed? Or would ML-based content outperform

TextGen generated the following text

One of the things I've been thinking about is the effects of automating content creation. Would this have detrimental effects, particularly longer-term ones, on the quality of content on the internet? How would this affect ranking? Would ML-based content be ranked higher and consequently be more "visible" on search engines and in turn adversely affect the quality of the content consumed? Or would ML-based content outperform other content, particularly when ranked for 'quality' by search engines?

I've started thinking about whether or not this would have negative effects. I don't know if it would have negative effects if it was just an automated process. What I don't really understand about this is the negative effect it has on the quality of the internet since there would be less "quality" content and the quality of the internet would be reduced. If the content is generated by humans using the best available technology, then I don't really see a negative effect. But if it's automated, then I don't really understand what the negative effect would be.

I don't know what "quality" means. I can't say what my content would be, because I don't know what it would be. If it's a random string of HTML and CSS code, then it's probably not "quality". But if it's a string of human generated code, then what would it be? Would it be "quality" based on the number of characters that the code contains? Or would it just be "quality" based on how well it was written? Would it be "quality" based on what the human user would have thought? Or would it be based on whether or not the human user had any ideas of what the code meant?